Debby Buck DeJonge, lifelong equestrian, tears the cover off the upper crust world of million-dollar horses and steamy affairs in this impossible to put down book you will follow the adventure, triumphs and mishaps of Candy Clark and Chrissy von Fogue-Trot and a slew of others as Debby tells ALL!
“The three blonde mice appeared to be tighter than right, they never parted each other’s company as if they were conjoined triplets. Not that anyone cared because even as a unit, they could not come up with anything remotely interesting, never mind humorous to say. Next!”
“Lead Horse offers a behind-the-scenes vision of the highly competitive equine competition world. Fast paced and edgy-that’s the nature of this world and Debby Buck DeJonge’s depiction of it. Read it and weep, (and laugh out loud).” – Jeanne Hosey
“It’s very cheeky!” – Christine Traurig, Olympian
Contact: Sheri Lohr, Publisher